Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back To School: August 19th

The boys walking into school on their first day

Standing outside of Mrs. Bryan & Mrs. Thomson's Kindergarten class

Cole just rode the bus home for the first time. He said "it was so awesome Mom!!"

Cole and Jillian have both started the school year off great. Cole has enjoyed his first couple of weeks in kindergarten at East End Elementary School. I can't believe my baby is in school 5 days a week, all day long. Jilli and I really miss him during the week, but it gives us a chance to have some "girl time"! Cole has started riding the bus home from school 3 days a week. Cole wanted to try it out because his best friend Wil is also riding the bus, and though I am not crazy about some stranger driving my first born around without a seat belt, Dan says I need to "cut the cord" (he is referring to the umbilical cord) and let him try new things. He is growing up so fast and becoming such a little man.

Jilli just started her K3 class at First United Methodist CDC. She loves her new teachers, and has made friends with a little girl named Amy. Her teachers say Jilli and Amy enjoy making each other cheese quesadillas in the kitchen center and playing with the ponies. I walked in the other day to pick her up and she was having a conversation with her teachers about "green boogers"! You never know what is going to come out of my little chica's mouth. Scary huh?

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